It shows you listen to them and that you actually think about them when they’re not in the room. Make time to do an activity together you know they enjoy ( “Remember the band that’s playing tonight whom you love? Well, guess who got tickets?”).

Run an errand for them or go out of your way to make life easier for them in some way.Make them something with your hands for bonus points. Give a well-thought-out personal gift.Practice active listening, so they know you’re actually invested in their words.Ignore your phone when they’re around, so they know they’re important.
#Paragraphs for gf saying i love you more how to
If words aren’t really your thing, or you don’t think words alone are enough, here’s how to tell someone you love them with actions: Or, y’know, your partner or family member. So, if you find yourself getting tongue-tied, taking your video game gear on that cruise may be exactly what you need to do. simply going out of your way to spend quality time together.They’ve revealed to many the art of expressing love without words. How to tell someone you love them without saying anything at all (This one generally works better with dogs than humans.) Who’s a good boy? Is it you? Yes, it is! You’re the goodest boy! Yes, you are.Seeing you happy gives me a reason to try.I’ll hold onto memories of our time together forever.