If you need something other than a whole number of beats, change the denominator as well, using the drop down menu beside the field for example, if your score is in 4/4 time and you need 2 1/2 beats in the final measure, rather than typing "2" in the field, you would type "5" and then choose "/8" from the drop-down menu.
In the second section of the resulting pop-up dialog box, "Measure Duration," enter in the field beside "Actual:" the number of beats you want that measure to have. Jim: Thank you for your reply and the second way to accomplish the partial measure. This gets displayed properly in the notation editor and printed correctly after the Lilypond export: The first bar contains just the last beat, all subsequent bars have their.
If you prefer, the generated code for the jianpu stave may also be placed in a score with other types of stave. As far as I understand, the way to create an anacrusis/pick-up bar in Rosegarden is to adjust the size of the segment to include, say, only the last beat of the first bar. A pickup (or anacrusis) is entered with the keyword partial. Match ending measure with starting upbeat (anacrusis) That sounds like a feature that could be added to the New Score Wizard - on the New Score Wizard screen for Time Signature, Number of Measures, etc., right under the interface for designating the number of beats in the 'Pick Up Measure' could be a similar interface for designating the number of beats in the final measure of the score.

not 0), while the musical convention is to count them as ‘0’.
Versions 2 and 3 both count anacrustic (‘pick up’) measures from ‘1’ (i.e. Proposed solution: If the first measure is incomplete, count from 0, or take 1 off all the measure numbers. using a voice containing spacing rests (so invisible) and place the line breaks there. To Reproduce: Create any new score with any anacrustic (‘pick up’) measure. Note that this is set to a negative number. And if you scroll down you can see another way of adding line breaks, i.e. The property measurePosition contains a rational number indicating how much of the measure has passed at this point. If you go to the index of the Notation Reference and search for 'line break' you'll get to the relevant chapter. From: lilypond-user On Behalf Of Stephen Cummings A time signature for a simple beat has 2, 3 or 4 as the top number. You should have found the answer first on the documentation. Its proving remarkably hard to find, in the Handbook, here and how I can change bar numbering - though I am sure it IS there somewhere.